South West Queensland has missed out on new funding or programs in this year’s State Budget as local leaders now look to the government to follow through on their State Budget Strategy which recognises the critical need to ‘Grow the Regions’.

Leaders from our region welcomed the confirmation of previously announced projects and investment in this year’s budget and acknowledged the hard work of the Queensland Government in keeping our state safe and performing during COVID-19.

SWQROC Chair, Cr Samantha O’Toole said the region was looking forward to seeing some real region-shaping investment, to help grow jobs and the economy and ultimately boost Queensland’s road to recovery. 

“Ahead of the Election we handed the Palaszczuk government our strategy which outlined a clear plan to unlock the ample opportunities to help our communities and those beyond our borders through sustainable economic growth, industry diversification and more jobs for Queenslanders,” Cr O’Toole said.

“Seeing the significant gap when it came to the strategic, region-shaping investment that we desperately need may have left us a bit deflated, but definitely not defeated - we’ll still be chasing those dollars for our communities.”

“There are also some positives including some welcome investment in projects in our region including:

  • Murweh and Quilpie Tyre Recycling Project $150,000 in 2020-21 out of a $250,000 total spend to support Murweh Shire Council to address stockpiles of problematic waste tyres.

  • Thargomindah Airport runway reseal $94,306 in 2020-21 out of a $285,257 total spend to upgrade the existing runway, taxiway, apron and aircraft parking area of the airport with a new seal.

Deputy SWQROC Chair Cr Shaun Radnedge said a big tick from the local councils was the additional $200million in the Works for Queensland program for local governments outside of South East Queensland.

“We know that regional Queensland has been keeping the State going during this critical time and the Works for Queensland dollars directed to councils means we can get on with work where we know it’s needed, creating jobs and boosting our economy along the way,” Cr Radnedge said.

“Our ROC is only fresh out of the gates and we already reached a major milestone in uniting and developing a clear Election Strategy which will help shape our priorities going forward. A united front is the way to go and we’re ready to ramp up even more in 2021.”

“We made a commitment ahead of the election that no matter who was elected to govern or have a seat in parliament, we’d be sure to remind them of the commitments they made to the South West and importantly what more they can deliver.”

“We look forward to continuing to work with the Palaszczuk Government to realise the potential of our region which is truly the Cornerstone of Opportunities!” Cr Radnedge said.  

The SWQROC represents the six shires of Balonne, Bulloo, Paroo, Quilpie, Maranoa and Murweh headed by its Chair, Balonne Shire Mayor, Cr Samantha O’Toole, and Deputy Chair, Murweh Shire Mayor Cr Shaun Radnedge.

For more information about SWQROC and to download our Election Strategy visit: www.swqroc.com.au

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Media contact: Simone Talbot | 0427 990 201  simone.talbot@swqroc.com.au